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How Data Breaches affect the Enterprise

Dec 10, 2019

Despite increased enterprise investments in cybersecurity, 2019 is on track to be the worst year ever for data breaches. A growing number of organizations are experiencing significant financial losses, brand damage, and customer alienation issues as a result of the increased breach activity.

How do these breaches occur? How are enterprises responding, and what is the impact of these compromises on the business? This report, one of three to come out of Dark Reading’s annual Strategic Security Survey, showed that end-user vulnerabilities, attack volumes, and growing threat sophistication are leading to more breaches than ever. Organizations have deployed a wide range of tools and best practices for protecting networks and systems against attack. But a relentless adversary focus on end users is driving the need for a more people-focused approach to cybersecurity.

Download this report and get insights on how today’s enterprises assess the risks they faced in 2019 and the perceive risks going forward.

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