
Research to Power Your Cybersecurity Strategy

Vulnerabilities and Exploits
As the industry’s number one public discloser of vulnerabilities, the Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative has discovered and disclosed more than 4,500 potential attack vectors since the program began. Identifying vulnerabilities and addressing them before they are exploited reduces your exposure to the risk of financial loss and data breach.

“Trend Micro Research […] is dedicated to investigating and reporting on cyber threats. Our work enabled the prevention of 48 billion exploits in 2018 alone.”

Persistent Threats
Expert analysis of the attack lifecycle and shared knowledge of how cybercriminals’ tactics, techniques, and procedures evolve drives the development of new detection and rapid remediation capabilities in Trend Micro solutions that can reduce risks to your organization.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
Advanced technologies like AI and machine learning have become indispensable in cy­bersecurity research and solution development. Starting in 2005, Trend Micro Research has utilized both AI and machine learning to help detect and predict spam, phishing, exploits, and advanced threats more rapidly and accurately than ever before.

Internet of Things (IoT)
Mobile and remote work is fast becoming the norm with more and more workers relying on smart, connected technologies to get their jobs done. But the mobile hotspots and home networks that are so important to remote work are also prime targets for cybercriminals. For example, Trend Micro identified more than 680 million malicious events entering or leaving home networks alone in 2018.

The Criminal Underground
Cybercriminals don’t limit themselves to any one “hacker target market”. Attacks can originate in any geopolitical region and do their damage in another. Trend Micro Research has cybersecurity experts around the world, collecting and analyzing threat and actor data 24/7, to provide greater visibility into the global threat landscape.

Future Threats
What will the cyber threat landscape look like six months from now? Five years from now? How will ransomware and other forms of malware evolve? What new attacks will surface? Trend Micro Research is relentless in its exploration and analysis of future possibilities to develop fact-based predictions that can point the way to a safer, more secure tomorrow.

Want the details? Read Turning Knowledge into Power and discover the many ways that research from Trend Micro can empower your cybersecurity strategy.

About Trend Micro Research

Trend Micro Research is powered by experts who are passionate about discovering new threats, sharing key insights with the public, and supporting efforts to stop cybercriminals. Our global team helps identify millions of threats daily, leads the industry in vulnerability disclosures, and publishes innovative research on targeted attacks, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), cybercriminals, and more. We continually work to anticipate the next wave of threats and deliver thought-provoking research that can shape strategic industry direction.

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