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Building the SOC of the Future

Feb 10, 2021

No matter what your industry, your organization’s size, or the number of work-from-home staff you have, there is a growing need to monitor your systems for potential threats—and have the capacity to respond quickly in the event of a compromise. To build out this capacity, many enterprises are building or expanding their security operations centers (SOCs) to improve their ability to detect and respond to cyber threats. In this special report, experts offer insight and recommendations on how to build a next-generation SOC, and what tools and skills you may need to outfit that SOC to respond to today’s most current threats and online exploits.

Inside this report:

  • Why and How to Understand Your Cyber Attackers
  • How Advanced Attackers Take Aim at Office 365
  • Criminals Turn to IM Platforms to Avoid Law Enforcement Scrutiny
  • Mobile Phishing Attacks Increase Sharply
  • Targeted Discovery: Why Attack Surface Management Isn’t Enough

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