
First step to becoming a hacker: Linux!

If you’re contemplating a career in cybersecurity and haven’t come up to speed on Linux, now’s the time to get ramped up and here’s one easy way to do it. This new book from no starch press was written with people like you in mind. Authored by OccupyTheWeb, the force behind Hackers-Arise, Linux Basics for Hackers provides everything from basic Linux command line skills through to scripting, manipulating logging, network scanning, using and abusing system services, and remaining stealthy in the process.

Why Linux?

Because Linux is open source, tool developers (and you) have a level of access that is unsurpassed. Linux is transparent and this means that you can learn to manipulate it in ways that are not possible with most OSes. In addition (and undoubtedly for the reason just mentioned), most cybersecurity tools are written to run on Linux.

What is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is a special Linux distribution that is built for penetration testing and ethical hacking. It’s a derivation of Debian and was designed specifically for digital forensics and penetration testing. It’s available for downloading at

The number and variety of tools for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, exploitation, forensics, and more in Kali is quite mind-boggling. Check out this tools listing page and don’t fail to scroll down to view all the types of tools available.

Who is OccupyTheWeb?

With an extremely impressive background and a determination to helping motivated individuals acquire the skills they will need to work in what is an extremely important as well as an exciting field, OccupyTheWeb is an information security consultant as well as a forensic investigator. He has worked with numerous federal and military organizations and is very highly skilled.

The book

You should consider starting this book by installing Kali Linux and using it while you work through the exercises at the ends of the chapters. Kali comes with all the tools you will need. The book will walk you through the installation process as well as what is required to install VirtualBox and then install Kali as a virtual system.