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Free SANS Cyber Security Summits: Sign up now, learn online, keep your network safe

Promo Keeping your organization safe from cybercriminals and other ne’er do wells requires constant honing and refining of your own skills and knowledge.

In-depth specialist training is an essential part of this, but it’s also important to step back and take a wider view now and again, taking in emerging threats, new techniques, and getting a reality check on how your peers deal with the same problems facing you.

And there’s no better way to do all of this than to sign up for one of SANS Cyber Security Summits, which are all virtual this year, and best of all, are all entirely free of charge.

If you sign up, you’ll get a lineup of cutting-edge speakers offering in-depth presentations, as well as panel discussions, and hands-on workshops, with all the convenience of tuning in from home or your workspace. And all for the price of … well, nothing whatsoever.

First up on this year’s schedule is Purple Team Summit and Training 2021, which runs from May 17 to May 28, on US Eastern Time. The two-day summit component runs on May 24 and 25, and features industry leaders and top SANS instructors, who together will explore how you can best leverage your red and blue team operations to keep ahead of potential attacks.

The summit is bookended by an array of SANS courses taking you deep into related technologies and techniques. The lineup includes three new courses: Open Source Intelligence Gathering and Analysis; Practical Open Source Intelligence Analysis and Automation; and Purple Team Tactics – Adversary Emulation for Breach Prevention and Detection.

As we move through the summer, CloudSecNext Summit and Training 2021 hits between June 1 and 12, while July 22 and July 31 sees DFIR Summit and Training 2021. From August 3 to 14 you can dive into Security Awareness Summit and Training 2021, while Blue Team Summit and Training 2021 runs between September 9 and 18. As we head into Autumn, October 14 is the kickoff date for the Cybersecurity Leadership Summit 2021.

And while this year’s events are all online, it’s as important as ever to connect and network so you’ll have the opportunity to dive into virtual chatrooms with your peers and leading experts and instructors.

Whatever your focus, you can be assured that you’ll be hearing from highly experienced professionals who are also great trainers, and superb story tellers. All you need to do is head here and register.

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