Has your cloud app suite left you feeling insecure? There’s a reason for that

Webcast You’ve seen large parts of your workforce take to the hills over the past year with nothing but a laptop and a Microsoft 365 account for company.
Still, you may have told yourself, 365 means they’ll be as productive as ever – if not more so – and, well, Microsoft knows all about enterprise security, so they’ll be fine. Won’t they?
Well, you’re half right. The wheels of industry have indeed kept turning, bar the odd snafu. However, it’s become clear that while cloud providers can be held to account when it comes to service availability, other issues such as security and data integrity are not really their problem, but rather yours.
Oh, and when you think about it, amidst that sudden departure, it’s possible a few things were missed on the security front. This all adds to something of a security gap.
How big is this gap? And how can you avoid driving the whole company into it? Well, those are questions that will be answered in our upcoming webcast on managing security and risk for Microsoft 365 on February 24, at 1600 GMT.
Proceedings will be overseen by our own, never knowingly undersecured, Tim Phillips. He will be joined by Mimecast’s J Peter Bruzzese. Peter will be sharing some working from home truths about the reality of distributed workforces, and how Microsoft 365’s built-in tooling is not going to give you enterprise level peace of mind.
Tim and J Peter will also discuss the upgrades you can embark on right now to close the gap, and ways in which you can begin cutting your risk of exposure, without unduly locking down users.
Want to join us? Well, there’s a few small gaps you’ll have to fill yourself, on the registration form here. Then we’ll make sure you’re reminded on the day. The end result will be a security strategy that is less gappy, and more bespoke.
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