How to install Google One VPN on MacOS

I’m a big advocate of using VPNs, especially when on the go and connected to networks you aren’t confident you can trust. When you use a VPN, all the data that leaves your machine is encrypted and anonymized.
More how-tos
Adding a VPN is especially important when you’re transmitting sensitive data and don’t want a third party to intercept that information and use it against you.
I’ve been using the Google One VPN on Android since its release and have been exceptionally pleased with the results.
So, when Google released the client for MacOS, I was eager to install and use it.
Also: What are the cheapest VPNs that actually still work and protect your data?
And now, I’m going to show you how to install and use it on MacOS.
How to install Google One VPN on MacOS
Let’s get this VPN up and running. The only things you’ll need for this are a MacOS device (either an Intel or Apple Silicon-based device) and a valid Google account. That’s it.
After the file downloads, open Finder, navigate to the Google One dmg file, and double-click it. When prompted, double-click the VpnByGoogleOne.pkg file, and walk through the simple installation wizard.
Installing Google One VPN on MacOS is very simple. Image: Jack Wallen
Google One VPN has been installed and is ready for configuration. Image: Jack Wallen
After clicking the ON/OFF slider, a warning will appear, informing you that VPN by Google One has been blocked. In that popup, click Open System Settings. In the resulting window, locate the Security section and click Allow.
Until Google One VPN is allowed in the system, it will not function. Image: Jack Wallen
At this point, the Google One VPN is now running and encrypting and anonymizing your network traffic.
Also: For total privacy in Chrome, use these VPNs (no, an extension won’t cut it)
You can verify that it’s running by clicking the key icon in the top bar, where you should see the VPN is enabled and keeping your online activity private.
Google One VPN is installed and allowed to run. Image: Jack Wallen
Congratulations, you’ve just added an extra layer of security to your MacOS device. Your networking speeds will have decreased slightly, but that’s a worthwhile tradeoff for the extra privacy you gain.