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Intl. Law Enforcement Operation Takes Down DoubleVPN

A coordinated international law enforcement operation has seized the Web domains and server infrastructure of DoubleVPN, a virtual private network service alleged to have helped criminals launch cyberattacks.

DoubleVPN was “heavily advertised” on Russian and English-speaking underground forums as a way for ransomware operators, phishing attackers, and other criminals to mask their locations and identities. It claimed to offer a high level of anonymity with single, double, triple, and even quadruple VPN connections, Europol wrote in a release on the news. Its cheapest VPN option cost $25 USD.

Attackers used DoubleVPN to target networks around the world. As part of the takedown, officials seized servers where DoubleVPN had hosted content; its domains were replaced with a law enforcement webpage. The service is no longer available to cybercriminals, they report.

The takedown was led by the Dutch National Police under the jurisdiction of the National Public Prosecutor’s Office, with international activity coordinated by Europol and Eurojust. Other participating authorities and agencies include the FBI, US Secret Service, and US Department of Justice, in addition to organizations from Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, Italy, Bulgaria, and Switzerland.

Read the full Europol release for more information.

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