IT security is at crisis point – so what are you going to do about it?

Webinar There’s one thing worse than having to face down the onslaught of cyber-attacks today’s security pros face.
And that’s having to face down an onslaught of cyber-attacks knowing that your security tooling is mismatched, badly integrated, and not showing you where the next biggest threat is coming from.
But what’s the alternative? If you’re going to start again from scratch, how are you going to ensure a smooth transition and protect yourself in the meantime?
It this dilemma feels all too familiar, you should really tune in to this upcoming webinar, Crisis Point for IT Security, on March 10 at 0600 ET (1100 GMT).
Our own Tim Phillips, a man for whom clarity is everything, will be joined by Cybereason’s Greg Day, and the pair of them will be sharing a whole pile of practical advice on how Extended Detection and Response can leverage AI to produce more meaningful threat data and ease the management burden.
They’ll also provide a practical explanation of precisely why security is at crisis point today, and what the next generation of threat detection tools must offer as a response.
They’ll also talk you through how you can improve detection while reducing your workload overall – OK, make it more manageable at least. And they’ll show you just where you need to start to ensure a smooth transition.
Signing up for this webinar is equally smooth too. Just head here to register, and we’ll update your diary and make sure you’re reminded on the day. Before you know it, you’ll be saying, “Let’s tackle this problem first,” instead of: “Crisis? What crisis?”
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