New Mexico’s Bernalillo County Investigates Ransomware Attack

New Mexico’s Bernalillo County closed most county buildings on Jan. 5 after a suspected ransomware attack targeted its systems.
Bernalillo County is the most populous in New Mexico and includes the cities of Albuquerque, Los Ranchos, and Tijeras. Officials report the disruption likely occurred between midnight and 5:30 a.m. on Jan. 5. They have taken affected systems offline and severed network connections, as well as notified county system vendors, which are working to solve the issue and restore system functionality.
While county buildings and offices are closed to the public, employees are working remotely to assist the public, officials wrote in a release. Emergency and public safety services are fully operational, Behavioral Health is operational, and community centers will remain open as scheduled. Its Treasurer’s Office is accepting tax payments through its online portal, through county drop boxes, and at any branch of the Rio Grande Credit Union, officials wrote.
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