Ransomware driving you to distraction? Here’s how to recover

Webinar What does peace of mind look like when you’re a security pro faced with a relentless onslaught of ransomware?
Yes, there are any number of technologies and services that will promise to “protect” your infrastructure and data. And it’s not hard to find best practices for managing these and your organization more broadly.
But true peace of mind? Maybe that needs a trusted partner who will help you ensure everything is actually working as it should do, but can also help ensure that, if an attacker does get through, your data is rapidly recovered, and your systems are up and running again quickly. And who is prepared to make amends when things go wrong.
What does that look like in practice? You can find out by joining our upcoming webinar, A Guaranteed Path to Peace of Mind for IT Security Pros, on April 12 at 0900 PT (1200 ET, 1700 BST.)
Our own Nicole Hemsoth will be joined by Murthy Mathiprakasam of Rubrik, which has launched its a Ransomware Recovery Warranty program worth up to $5m for afflicted enterprise customers.
They’ll be discussing the action you can take to prevent an attack in the first place, and the tools and practices you need to have in place to ensure your data is safe when an attack does make it through your defenses.
But they’ll also work through how Rubrik works closely with its enterprise customers to ensure all these practices are watertight. That’s what gives it the confidence to guarantee that it can ensure a successful recovery of your data and is why it offers a warranty covering up to $5m in recovery expenses for data protected by its technology.
To find out what this means for your organization, just head here, register, and you’re good to go. We’ll even remind you on the day. Then, after you’ve tuned in, you’ll know what peace of mind really looks like.
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