
Securing the IoT has become business-critical

The IoT era has arrived.

Here’s some proof: 83% of organizations say the Internet of Things (IoT) is important to business today, and 92% say it will be in two years.

That’s according to a recent DigiCert survey conducted by ReRez Research of 700 organizations in five countries to better understand the IoT and IoT security.

Anecdotally, I always find that markets have matured when it’s no longer an unusual thing. For example, a few years ago, it was hard to find IoT deployments that were outside of the traditional machine-to-machine industries such as manufacturing and oil and gas. Today, connected things are everywhere. Case in point: I recently interviewed the IT director at an entertainment venue and he walked me through all the connected things without ever saying “IoT.” The organization was connecting more things to improve customer experience, and it was treated as no big deal.

IoT creates new security risks

The near ubiquity of IoT does raise the security flag, as it presents a significant threat vector for hackers to breach companies. DigiCert’s goal in running the survey was to understand the state of IoT adoption, understand security implications, and quantify the benefits of having made the investments in IoT security. The survey focused on the four industry verticals where IoT was most mature — industrial, consumer products, healthcare, and transportation — and sampled companies of all sizes, with the median size being 3,000 employees.

The survey asked what objective companies were trying to achieve with IoT. The top responses were operational efficiency, customer experience, increased revenue, and business agility. It’s been my experience that businesses that are early in the adoption cycle of IoT are looking to cut costs through automation, which leads to better efficiency, but they quickly pivot to customer experience as a way of creating new revenue streams.