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Special Report: Understanding Your Cyber Attackers

Aug 19, 2020

To prepare an effective defense of your enterprise data, you need to know something about the types of attackers you’re facing — and the methods they use. In this Dark Reading special report, you’ll learn about the strategies you can employ to evaluate your enterprise’s “attack surface” and the potential threats that affect organizations like yours.

In this comprehensive report, you’ll get insight on how to evaluate your defenses through penetration and red-teaming, as well as advice and tips on how to use threat intelligence tools to help gauge the risk faced by your specific organization. You’ll also get recommendations on how to implement threat hunting practices that can help you identify potential attackers and exploits before they hit your enterprise.

If you want to get a better sense of the threats that might be coming — and your organization’s vulnerability to those threats — this special report is a must-read.

Inside this report:

  • Why and How to Understand Your Cyber Attackers
  • How Advanced Attackers Take Aim at Office 365
  • Criminals Turn to IM Platforms to Avoid Law Enforcement Scrutiny
  • Mobile Phishing Attacks Increase Sharply
  • Targeted Discovery: Why Attack Surface Management Isn’t Enough

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