machine learning

Microsoft Secure

New machine learning model sifts through the good to unearth the bad in evasive malware

Most machine learning models are trained on a mix of malicious and clean features. Attackers routinely try to throw these models off balance by stuffing clean features into malware. Monotonic models are resistant against adversarial attacks because they are trained differently: they only look for malicious features. The magic is this: Attackers can’t evade a monotonic model by adding clean features. To evade a monotonic model, an attacker would have to remove malicious features.
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Microsoft Secure

Inside out: Get to know the advanced technologies at the core of Microsoft Defender ATP next generation protection

While Windows Defender Antivirus makes catching 5 billion threats on devices every month look easy, multiple advanced detection and prevention technologies work under the hood to make this happen. Multiple next-generation protection engines to detect and stop a wide range of threats and attacker techniques at multiple points, providing industry-best detection and blocking capabilities.
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How Machine Learning can Expose and Illustrate Network Threats

Although machine learning algorithms have been around for years, additional use cases are being discovered and applied all the time, particularly when it comes to network and data security. As years have passed, the skills and sophisticated approaches being utilized by hackers have risen in severity and frequency, and white hats as well as enterprise…
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Tech Support Scams: What are They and How do I Stay Safe?

If you read this blog regularly you’re no doubt aware that cyber-criminals are a determined bunch, with a large range of tools and tactics at their disposal to rob you of your identity and hard-earned cash. Tech support scams (TSS) are an increasingly popular way for them to do just this. In 2017, Microsoft Customer…
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Microsoft Secure

Microsoft AI competition explores the next evolution of predictive technologies in security

Predictive technologies are already effective at detecting and blocking malware at first sight. A new malware prediction competition on Kaggle will challenge the data science community to push these technologies even furtherto stop malware before it is even seen. The Microsoft-sponsored competition calls for participants to predict if a device is likely to encounter malware
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AI and Machine Learning: Boosting Compliance and Preventing Spam

Some of the most advanced strategies in the current technology and analytics spaces include artificial intelligence and machine learning. These innovative approaches can hold nearly endless possibilities for technological applications: from the ability to eliminate manual work and enable software to make accurate predictions based on specific performance indicators.   In this way, it’s no…
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Microsoft Secure

Protecting the protector: Hardening machine learning defenses against adversarial attacks

Harnessing the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence has enabled Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Windows Defender ATP) next-generation protection to stop new malware attacks before they can get started often within milliseconds. These predictive technologies are central to scaling protection and delivering effective threat prevention in the face of unrelenting attacker activity. Read more READ MORE HERE…

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This Week in Security News: Facebook and Feds

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, Facebook’s chief security officer resigned as Facebook steps up its cybersecurity efforts. Also, Feds indicted three Ukrainians charged with stealing data on 15 million payment cards from…
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Microsoft Secure

Machine learning vs. social engineering

Machine learning is a key driver in the constant evolution of security technologies at Microsoft. Machine learning allows Microsoft 365 to scale next-gen protection capabilities and enhance cloud-based, real-time blocking of new and unknown threats. Just in the last few months, machine learning has helped us to protect hundreds of thousands of customers against ransomware, Read more READ MORE HERE…

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Microsoft Secure

Enhancing Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection with detonation-based heuristics and machine learning

Email, coupled with reliable social engineering techniques, continues to be one of the primary entry points for credential phishing, targeted attacks, and commodity malware like ransomware and, increasingly in the last few months, cryptocurrency miners. Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) uses a comprehensive and multi-layered solution to protect mailboxes, files, online storage, and applications Read more READ MORE HERE…

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