next generation protection

Microsoft Secure

Behavioral blocking and containment: Transforming optics into protection

Behavioral blocking and containment capabilities leverage multiple Microsoft Defender ATP components and features to immediately stop attacks before they can progress. We have expanded these capabilities to get even broader visibility into malicious behavior by using a rapid protection loop engine that leverages endpoint and detection response (EDR) sensors.
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Microsoft Secure

How Windows Defender Antivirus integrates hardware-based system integrity for informed, extensive endpoint protection

The deep integration of Windows Defender Antivirus with hardware-based isolation capabilities allows the detection of artifacts of attacks that tamper with kernel-mode agents at the hypervisor level.
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Microsoft Secure

New machine learning model sifts through the good to unearth the bad in evasive malware

Most machine learning models are trained on a mix of malicious and clean features. Attackers routinely try to throw these models off balance by stuffing clean features into malware. Monotonic models are resistant against adversarial attacks because they are trained differently: they only look for malicious features. The magic is this: Attackers can’t evade a monotonic model by adding clean features. To evade a monotonic model, an attacker would have to remove malicious features.
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