
Microsoft Secure

Catching the big fish: Analyzing a large-scale phishing-as-a-service operation

With over 100 available phishing templates that mimic known brands and services, the BulletProofLink operation is responsible for many of the phishing campaigns that impact enterprises today. We are sharing these findings so the broader community can build on them and use them to enhance email filtering rules as well as threat detection technologies like sandboxes to better catch these threats.
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Microsoft Secure

Trend-spotting email techniques: How modern phishing emails hide in plain sight

By spotting trends in the techniques used by attackers in phishing attacks, we can swiftly respond to attacks and use the knowledge to improve customer security and build comprehensive protections through Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and other solutions.
The post Trend-spotting email techniques: How modern phishing emails hide in plain sight appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog. READ MORE HERE…

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Microsoft Secure

Spotting brand impersonation with Swin transformers and Siamese neural networks

Our security solutions use multiple detection and prevention techniques to help users avoid divulging sensitive information to phishers as attackers continue refining their impersonation tricks. In this blog, we discuss our latest innovation toward developing another detection layer focusing on the visual components of brand impersonation attacks.
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Microsoft Secure

Phorpiex morphs: How a longstanding botnet persists and thrives in the current threat environment

Phorpiex, an enduring botnet known for extortion campaigns and for using old-fashioned worms, began diversifying its infrastructure in recent years to become more resilient and to deliver more dangerous payloads. Today, the Phorphiex botnet continues to maintain a large network of bots and generates wide-ranging malicious activities. These activities have expanded to include cryptocurrency mining. Read our in-depth research into this botnet.
The post Phorpiex morphs: How a longstanding botnet persists and thrives in the current threat environment appeared first on Microsoft Security. READ MORE HERE…

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Microsoft Secure

Business email compromise campaign targets wide range of orgs with gift card scam

Read our investigation of a BEC campaign that used attacker-created email infrastructure to facilitate gift card theft targeting the consumer goods, process manufacturing and agriculture, real estate, discrete manufacturing, and professional services sectors.
The post Business email compromise campaign targets wide range of orgs with gift card scam appeared first on Microsoft Security. READ MORE HERE…

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