Windows Defender Antivirus

Microsoft Secure

How Windows Defender Antivirus integrates hardware-based system integrity for informed, extensive endpoint protection

The deep integration of Windows Defender Antivirus with hardware-based isolation capabilities allows the detection of artifacts of attacks that tamper with kernel-mode agents at the hypervisor level.
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Microsoft Secure

New machine learning model sifts through the good to unearth the bad in evasive malware

Most machine learning models are trained on a mix of malicious and clean features. Attackers routinely try to throw these models off balance by stuffing clean features into malware. Monotonic models are resistant against adversarial attacks because they are trained differently: they only look for malicious features. The magic is this: Attackers can’t evade a monotonic model by adding clean features. To evade a monotonic model, an attacker would have to remove malicious features.
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Microsoft Secure

Dismantling a fileless campaign: Microsoft Defender ATP next-gen protection exposes Astaroth attack

Advanced technologies in Microsoft Defender ATP next-generation protection exposed and defeated a widespread fileless campaign that completely “lived off the land” throughout a complex attack chain that run the info-stealing backdoor Astaroth directly in memory
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Microsoft Secure

Inside out: Get to know the advanced technologies at the core of Microsoft Defender ATP next generation protection

While Windows Defender Antivirus makes catching 5 billion threats on devices every month look easy, multiple advanced detection and prevention technologies work under the hood to make this happen. Multiple next-generation protection engines to detect and stop a wide range of threats and attacker techniques at multiple points, providing industry-best detection and blocking capabilities.
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Microsoft Secure

Windows Defender Antivirus can now run in a sandbox

Windows Defender Antivirus has hit a new milestone: the built-in antivirus capabilities on Windows can now run within a sandbox. With this new development, Windows Defender Antivirus becomes the first complete antivirus solution to have this capability and continues to lead the industry in raising the bar for security. Putting Windows Defender Antivirus in a
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Microsoft Secure

Out of sight but not invisible: Defeating fileless malware with behavior monitoring, AMSI, and next-gen AV

Removing the need for files is the next progression of attacker techniques. While fileless techniques used to be employed almost exclusively in sophisticated cyberattacks, they are now becoming widespread in common malware, too.
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Microsoft Secure

Office VBA + AMSI: Parting the veil on malicious macros

As part of our continued efforts to tackle entire classes of threats, Office 365 client applications now integrate with Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI), enabling antivirus and other security solutions to scan macros and other scripts at runtime to check for malicious behavior. Macro-based threats have always been a prevalent entry point for malware, but we
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Microsoft Secure

Protecting the protector: Hardening machine learning defenses against adversarial attacks

Harnessing the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence has enabled Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Windows Defender ATP) next-generation protection to stop new malware attacks before they can get started often within milliseconds. These predictive technologies are central to scaling protection and delivering effective threat prevention in the face of unrelenting attacker activity. Read more READ MORE HERE…

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Microsoft Secure

Protecting the modern workplace from a wide range of undesirable software

Security is a fundamental component of the trusted and productive Windows experience that we deliver to customers through modern platforms like Windows 10 and Windows 10 in S mode. As we build intelligent security technologies that protect the modern workplace, we aim to always ensure that customers have control over their devices and experiences. To Read more READ MORE HERE…

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Microsoft Secure

Attack inception: Compromised supply chain within a supply chain poses new risks

A new software supply chain attack unearthed by Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Windows Defender ATP) emerged as an unusual multi-tier case. Unknown attackers compromised the shared infrastructure in place between the vendor of a PDF editor application and one of its software vendor partners, making the apps legitimate installer the unsuspecting carrier of a Read more READ MORE HERE…

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