TeamTNT Returns – or Does It?

d. SetupNameServers
In this function, the script configures the network settings to use the IP addresses 8[.]8[.]8[.]8 and 8[.]8[.]4[.]4 as the domain name system (DNS) servers via updating /etc/resolv.conf file by changing the file permissions to make it mutable. The said addresses are Google DNS servers.
e. download_f
The download_f function downloads the XMRig miner xm.tar as crypto and the configuration file config.json as [cmake].pid, which contains the pool server IP address under the /usr/share directory.
f. setup_s
The setup_s function installs the configuration file [cmake].pid as a service in the system under path </etc/systemd/system/cmake.service>.
g. makesshaxx
The makesshaxx function’s script adds the attacker’s secure shell (SSH) public key in the files /root/.ssh/authorized_keys and /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2. The SSH public key we found:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCmEFN80ELqVV9enSOn+05vOhtmmtuEoPFhompw+bTIaCDsU5Yn2yD77Yifc/yXh3O9mg76THr7vxomguO040VwQYf9+vtJ6CGtl7NamxT8LYFBgsgtJ9H48R9k6H0rqK5Srdb44PGtptZR7USzjb02EUq/15cZtfWnjP9pKTgscOvU6o1Jpos6kdlbwzNggdNrHxKqps0so3GC7tXv/GFlLVWEqJRqAVDOxK4Gl2iozqxJMO2d7TCNg7d3Rr3w4xIMNZm49DPzTWQcze5XciQyNoNvaopvp+UlceetnWxI1Kdswi0VNMZZOmhmsMAtirB3yR10DwH3NbEKy+ohYqBL root@puppetserver
A quick Google search showed that this key was previously used in other scripts related to Docker container attacks.
h. clean_monitor
The clean_monitor function’s script disables various OS’ security and logging features:
a. Clears the firewall rules from iptables
b. Clears the bash history
c. Disables SELinux, watchdog, AppArmor, and firewall service
d. Uninstalls aegis (Alibaba’s cloud security agent), aliyun (Alibaba’s Cloud Monitor Service), and qcloud (Tencent Cloud’s qcloud agents) services
i. clean_cron
The clean_cron function’s script makes the cron files mutable and removes all the existing cron jobs from /etc/crontab, /var/spool/cron, /etc/cron.d, and /var/spool/cron/crontabs to disrupt the existing malware functionalities, as well as the legitimate system functionalities.
j. lock_cron
The lock_cron function’s script makes the files immutable again by changing the attributes of the cron files, reversing the previous action so no one else can change those.
k. exec_hide
The exec_hide function’s script checks that the rootkit is installed first or not. If not present, then it calls another function hide_f() to install the rootkit. In the function hide_f(), it decodes the Base64 encoded .tar file and compiles it under the directory /usr/share/..hide, and installs it as a kernel module with the help of the insmod command.
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