TippingPoint Threat Protection System Certified by NetSecOPEN

IT security buyers face increasingly difficult decisions today. With a security market swollen with vendors and worth an estimated $156 billion in 2020, how can you differentiate marketing spin from reality and find the right products for your business?
One answer is to study independent lab testing from reputable vendor-neutral sources. That’s why Trend Micro recently submitted its TippingPoint Threat Protection System 5500TX to NetSecOPEN for review.
There’s plenty of interest in the report for technical experts. But the bottom line is the platform met NetSecOPEN certification requirements – scoring highly on performance and security effectiveness.
Why NetSecOPEN?
Due diligence is no simple task. Cybersecurity is so business-critical to modern organizations that screening for potential new products could take weeks or even months. Vendor research, analyst reports, and peer reviews and recommendations are scattered all over the internet.
While there’s more information out there than ever, sorting through it for the data that matters can be time- and resource-intensive. Further complicating these efforts is the fact that not all tests use the same evaluation criteria and open standards, making direct comparisons problematic.
To make matters easier for our customers, Trend Micro recently reached out to NetSecOPEN. Crucially, the organization works with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to establish open performance testing standards for network security products. That makes apples-to-apples comparisons with other vendor products easier for IT buyers. As NetSecOPEN states in the report, by using approved testing tools and accredited testing labs, and offering open access to its findings, the organization hopes to promote transparency and reproducibility.
What NetSecOPEN found
The TippingPoint 5500TX was tested at the University of New Hampshire Interoperability Lab and found to meet the NetSecOPEN certification requirements. More specifically:
- The throughput and connection statistics of both HTTP and HTTPS (TLS) traffic was highly rated, providing buyers with confidence that the appliance will correctly handle network loads across various packet distributions.
- Although the NetSecOPEN certification is primarily focused on performance rather than security, we were also rated highly in security effectiveness. All capabilities of the TippingPoint 5500TX were enabled during the test, and all public and private CVEs from the test were successfully blocked.
Intrusion prevention systems (IPS) represent a crucial layer of protection for modern enterprises, blocking critical threats and protecting vulnerable systems. The challenges network security managers are facing revolve around finding products capable of blocking threats at high speed without sacrificing performance.
As NetSecOPEN has clearly shown in its report, the TippingPoint 5500TX, like other products in the series, offers unprecedented security and performance for high-capacity, high-demand enterprise networks. And now you don’t need to take our word for it.
Find the complete NetSecOPEN certification test here: https://7454c007-e9c9-47e5-8444-aa665eacaa43.filesusr.com/ugd/150f3f_b853f462af7b43138a2ca5f7e9bbd7b5.pdf
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