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Use ItsMyData to stop ecommerce sites from abusing your valuable data

Use ItsMyData to stop ecommerce sites from abusing your valuable data zdnet

Google Chrome extension ItsMyData allows you to automatically opt-out of allowing online stores to sell your data

Instead of embracing consumer rights, many online stores make it difficult for users to opt-out by hiding the opt-out link and creating artificial obstacles. Now opting out can be easy with this new tool from ItsMyData.

The Google Chrome extension ItsMyData allows you to automatically opt-out of allowing online stores to sell your data.

The NJ-based startup’s goal is to protect consumers from the behavior of online retailers who collect and transact with their data to the detriment of consumers.

On Jan. 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) came into effect. The Act contains provisions requiring e-commerce sites to enable users to opt-out from allowing the sale of their data. It also sets large fines and sanctions against retailers who fail to do so.

Every time you shop online you share a fair amount of details with the online retailer you are visiting. Through the use of data gathering and analytics, retailers have combined art and science to learn as much as they can about users’ preferences, patterns, and personal information.

However, while complying with consumer rights, many online stores hide the opt-out link and create artificial obstacles to prevent opting out.

They do the bare minimum to comply with requirements — claiming they are compliant — while making it almost impossible for the consumer to opt-out. Selling your data is a meaningful revenue stream generator for online retailers.

They use this information to better target consumers and encourage them to engage in behaviors that benefit those retailers.

Online retailers have become experts at identifying, collecting, storing, and selling personal information about their customers in ways that would make most customers shudder had they known.

Most customers have no idea how much information is being collected and stored, or even that they need to opt-out to ensure their private information is not handed directly to third parties using it for their advantage.

Protecting your privacy where user data has become a form of currency online is not easy and not available for everyone.

ItsMyData is not supported in every state. If your state has not yet adopted the CCPA requirements or a similar law, you will not be able to take advantage of the plugin.

However many states across the US have introduced a similar privacy bill that is progressing through committees or across chambers.

It is only a matter of time before this bill becomes law across the country and you will be able to opt-out from all the pesky online sites that annoy you so much.