When disaster strikes, data recovery really is a race against time

Webinar When it comes to recovering after a catastrophic event such as a ransomware attack or data center failure, time is necessarily of the essence.
When you’re knocked offline, the first casualty might be revenue, as you’re unable to do business. But if things drag on, it’s your organisation’s reputation and credibility that will start to crumble. And that really is difficult to recover from.
So, shortening your RTO makes sense. But this can be extremely challenging if your recovery playbook consists of a single, entirely logical, but time-consuming and rigid recovery strategy.
But it really doesn’t need to be like this. Having a better grasp of what you need to protect, and deeper insight into the damage caused by any given incident could mean much more targeted – and much swifter – recoveries.
If you’d like to find out how to dramatically cut your recovery time, you should join our upcoming webinar, “Driving Velocity and Intelligence to your Data Recovery” on December 15 at 11:00 GMT.
Our own, blast-radius-aware Tim Phillips will be joined by Pierre-François Guglielmi, alliances field CTO at Rubrik, who will be discussing new approaches to data recovery, and the trade-offs involved.
They’ll be talking about the different scenarios for data recovery and how to plan and tool up accordingly.
You’ll hear how you can discover the blast radius of a given disaster and work out precisely what data is affected.
And they’ll show you how you can use this as a starting point for optimizing and orchestrating recovery.
Registration is right here, and we’ll update your diary too. All you need to do is hit play on the day.
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